- nifedipine
nifedipine [ni fed′ə pēn΄]n.a yellow, crystalline powder, C17H18N2O6, that dilates blood vessels, used to treat angina pectoris, hypertension, etc.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Nifedipine — Systematic (IUPAC) name 3,5 dimethyl 2,6 dim … Wikipedia
Nifedipine — Nifédipine Nifédipine structure chimique de la nifédipine Général Nom IUPAC diméthyl ester de l acide 1,4 dihydro 2,6 diméthyl 4 (2 nitrophényl) 3,5 pyridinedicarboxylique … Wikipédia en Français
Nifédipine — structure chimique de la nifédipine Général Nom IUPAC diméthyl ester de l acide 1,4 dihydro 2,6 diméthyl 4 (2 nitrophényl) 3,5 pyridinedicarboxylique … Wikipédia en Français
nifedipine — [ni fed′ə pēn΄] n. a yellow, crystalline powder, C17H18N2O6, that dilates blood vessels, used to treat angina pectoris, hypertension, etc … English World dictionary
nifedipine — noun Etymology: probably nitr + fe (from phenyl) + dipine (by alteration & shortening from pyridine) Date: 1974 a calcium channel blocker C17H18N2O6 that is a coronary vasodilator used especially in the treatment of angina pectoris … New Collegiate Dictionary
Nifedipine — НИФЕДИПИН ( Nifedipinе )*. 2,6 Диметил 4 (2 нитрофенил) 1,4 дигидропиридин З,5 дикарбоновой кислоты диметиловый эфир. Синонимы: Адалат, Кордафен, Кордипин, Коринфар, Нифангин, Нифекард, Аdаlat, Аdarat, Саlcigard, Соrdafen, Соrdipin, Соrinfar,… … Словарь медицинских препаратов
nifedipine — (= BAYa1041; Nifedin; Procardia) A calcium channel blocker (346 D) used experimentally and as a coronary vasodilator … Dictionary of molecular biology
nifedipine — noun A dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker, used mainly as an antianginal and antihypertensive … Wiktionary
nifedipine — A calcium channel blocking agent of the dihydropyridine type; coronary vasodilator. * * * ni·fed·i·pine nī fed ə .pēn n a calcium channel blocker C17H18N2O6 that is a coronary vasodilator used esp. in the treatment of angina pectoris see ADALAT … Medical dictionary
Nifedipine — n. (in Medicine) substance that blocks the benefits of calcium and is used as a drug to widen blood vessels (when treating heart disease or a lack of blood supply to the heart) … English contemporary dictionary