Muenster (cheese)
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Muenster cheese — is an American cheese, only vaguely related to the French Munster cheese. The name Muenster is derived from an English transliteration of the German Münster , the original name of the Alsatian town of Munster . Muenster cheese is a smooth… … Wikipedia
Muenster (cheese) — [mun′stər, min′stər] n. [after Munster, France, where first made] a mild light yellow semisoft cheese … English World dictionary
Muenster (cheese) — [mun′stər, min′stər] n. [after Munster, France, where first made] a mild light yellow semisoft cheese … English World dictionary
Muenster (cheese) — For the French cheese, see Munster (cheese). Muenster Country of origin United States Source of milk Cows … Wikipedia
muenster cheese — noun see muenster II * * * Muen|ster «MUHN stuhr, MUN », noun, or Muenster cheese, = Munster. (Cf. ↑Munster) … Useful english dictionary
Muenster cheese — мюнстерский сыр set milk for cheese створожил молоко для изготовления сыра pasteurized blended cheese пастеризованный плавленый сыр spreadable processed cheese пастообразный плавленый сыр pasteurized milk cheese сыр из пастеризованного молока… … English-Russian travelling dictionary
Cheese curds — This article is about cheese curds as a regional delicacy. For general information about the dairy product, see curd. For information about the role of curds in cheese processing, see cheese. Cheese curds Cheese curds in cuisine, or cooking, are… … Wikipedia
Muenster (queso) — Para el queso francés, véase Munster (queso). Muenster País de origen Estados Unidos Leche de Vaca … Wikipedia Español
Muenster — a fairly soft cheese that does not have a strong taste … Dictionary of contemporary English
muenster — type of cheese, 1902, from Münster, mountain valley in Alsace, where it is made; the place name is German, lit. minster … Etymology dictionary