Megan's Law — An informal name for a law that requires convicted sex offenders to register with law enforcement authorities, who then make certain information available to the public. Registered information varies from state to state, but it often includes the … Law dictionary
Megan’s Law — ☆ Megan’s Law [meg′ənz, mā′gənz ] n. [after Megan Kanka, 7 year old N.J. girl raped and murdered in 1994 by a neighbor previously incarcerated for child molestation] any of various statutes requiring that public notification be given of the… … English World dictionary
Megan's law — a US law that says people must be told when a person who has ↑commited a sexual crime moves into their area to live … Dictionary of contemporary English
Megan's Law — Sign at the limits of Wapello, Iowa; sex offender free districts appeared as a result of Megan s Law. Megan s Law is an informal name for laws in the United States requiring law enforcement authorities to make information available to the public… … Wikipedia
Megan's Law — /may geuhnz/ any of various laws aimed at people convicted of sex related crimes, requiring community notification of the release of offenders, establishment of a registry of offenders, etc. [1990 95; after Megan Kanka, young New Jersey girl… … Universalium
Megan's Law — Meg′an s Law′ [[t]ˈmeɪ gənz[/t]] n. law any of various laws aimed at people convicted of sex related crimes, requiring community notification of the release of offenders, establishment of a registry of offenders, etc • Etymology: 1990–95; after… … From formal English to slang
Megan's Law — /may geuhnz/ any of various laws aimed at people convicted of sex related crimes, requiring community notification of the release of offenders, establishment of a registry of offenders, etc. [1990 95; after Megan Kanka, young New Jersey girl… … Useful english dictionary
Megan's Law — Meg|an s Law [ megənz ,lɔ ] noun singular a law in New Jersey that makes it necessary for police to inform neighbors when a person who is guilty of a sex crime moves into the area … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Megan Nicole Kanka Foundation — The Megan Nicole Kanka Foundation is a non profit charity founded by the family of Megan Kanka with the intent of preventing crimes against children. Megan s death resulted in the New Jersey Legislature passing Megan s Law, which requires… … Wikipedia
Law, Crime, and Law Enforcement — ▪ 2006 Introduction Trials of former heads of state, U.S. Supreme Court rulings on eminent domain and the death penalty, and high profile cases against former executives of large corporations were leading legal and criminal issues in 2005.… … Universalium