kinetic theory — n. the theory that the minute particles of all matter are in constant motion and that the temperature of a substance is dependent on the velocity of this motion, increased motion being accompanied by increased temperature: according to the… … English World dictionary
Kinetic theory — [ temperature of an ideal monatomic gas is a measure related to the average kinetic energy of its atoms as they move. In this animation, the size of helium atoms relative to their spacing is shown to scale under 1950 atmospheres of pressure.… … Wikipedia
kinetic theory — noun Date: 1864 either of two theories in physics based on the fact that the minute particles of a substance are in vigorous motion: a. a theory that the temperature of a substance increases with an increase in either the average kinetic energy… … New Collegiate Dictionary
kinetic theory — noun (physics) a theory that gases consist of small particles in random motion • Syn: ↑kinetic theory of gases • Topics: ↑physics, ↑natural philosophy • Hypernyms: ↑scientific theory … Useful english dictionary
kinetic theory — theory that states that all bodies are composed of many tiny particles in motion … English contemporary dictionary
kinetic theory of gases — Physics. a theory that the particles in a gas move freely and rapidly along straight lines but often collide, resulting in variations in their velocity and direction. Pressure is interpreted as arising from the impacts of these particles with the … Universalium
kinetic theory of heat — noun a theory that the temperature of a body increases when kinetic energy increases • Hypernyms: ↑kinetic theory, ↑kinetic theory of gases * * * Physics. a theory that the temperature of a body is determined by the average kinetic energy of its… … Useful english dictionary
kinetic theory of gases — noun (physics) a theory that gases consist of small particles in random motion • Syn: ↑kinetic theory • Topics: ↑physics, ↑natural philosophy • Hypernyms: ↑scientific theory … Useful english dictionary
kinetic theory of gases — kinetinė dujų teorija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. gas kinetic theory; kinetic theory of gases vok. kinetische Gastheorie, f rus. кинетическая теория газов, f pranc. théorie cinétique des gaz, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
kinetic theory of matter — Physics. a theory that matter is composed of small particles, all in random motion. * * * kinetic theory of matter, the theory that constituent particles of matter are in motion … Useful english dictionary