Dakin's solution — ☆ Dakin s solution [dā′kinz ] n. [after H. D. Dakin (1880 1952), Eng chemist in America] a weak, mildly alkaline solution of sodium hypochlorite, used as an antiseptic in the treatment of wounds … English World dictionary
dakin's solution — ˈdākə̇nz noun Usage: usually capitalized D Etymology: after Henry D. Dakin died 1952 English chemist : an antiseptic solution developed during World War I for the treatment of wounds and consisting essentially of an aqueous solution containing… … Useful english dictionary
Dakin's solution — /ˈdeɪkənz səˌluʃən/ (say daykuhnz suh.loohshuhn) noun a liquid antiseptic, an approximately neutral solution containing about 0.5 per cent of sodium hypochlorite, used in treating infected wounds. {named after HD Dakin, 1880–1952, English chemist …
Dakin — Henry Drysdale Dakin (* 12. März 1880 in London; † 10. Februar 1952 bei New York) war ein englischer Chemiker. Zusammen mit Randolph West entdeckte er 1928 die Dakin West Reaktion. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Auszeichnungen 3 … Deutsch Wikipedia
dakin — ● dakin nom masculin (de H. D. Dakin, nom propre) Liquide de couleur rose violacé, employé comme antiseptique pour le lavage et l irrigation des plaies. (Il contient du chlore et du permanganate de potassium.) Dakin (eau de) solution d… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Dakin oxidation — The Dakin oxidation The Dakin oxidation is an organic redox reaction in which an ortho or para hydroxylated phenyl aldehyde (2 hydroxybenzaldehyde or 4 hydroxybenzaldehyde) or ketone reacts with hydrogen pero … Wikipedia
Dakin — Liqueur de Dakin La liqueur de Dakin (ou eau de Dakin) est un liquide antiseptique utilisé pour le lavage des plaies et des muqueuses, de couleur rose et à l odeur d eau de Javel. Lors de la Première Guerre mondiale, le chimiste américain Henry… … Wikipédia en Français
Dakin–West reaction — The Dakin–West reaction is a chemical reaction that transforms an amino acid into a keto amide using an acid anhydride and a base, typically pyridine.[1][2] … Wikipedia
solution — 1. The incorporation of a solid, a liquid, or a gas in a liquid or noncrystalline solid resulting in a homogeneous single phase. See dispersion, suspension. 2. Generally, an aqueous s. of a nonvolatile substance. 3 … Medical dictionary
Dakin solution — Da·kin solution (daґkin) [Henry Drysdale Dakin, English chemist in the United States, 1880–1952] see under solution … Medical dictionary