- cataclastic
cataclastic [kat΄əklas′tik]adj.designating or of a rock, esp. a metamorphic rock, that was formed, bent, broken, etc. by extreme mechanical pressure
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Cataclastic — rocks contain angular fragments formed by cataclasis. Cataclasis is a deformation of the rock caused by fracture and rotation of aggregates or mineral grains. The term cataclastic refers to the structure produced in a rock by the actions of… … Wikipedia
cataclastic — CATACLÁSTIC, Ă, cataclastici, ce, adj. (Despre minerale, roci etc.) Care este zdrobit sub acţiunea forţelor tectonice; (despre procese geologice) care provoacă o cataclază. – Din fr. cataclastique. Trimis de valeriu, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 … … Dicționar Român
cataclastic — [kat΄əklas′tik] adj. [< Gr kataklastos, broken down < kataklan, to snap off: see CATA & CLASTIC] designating or of a rock, esp. a metamorphic rock, that was formed, bent, broken, etc. by extreme mechanical pressure … English World dictionary
cataclastic — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|klastik adjective Etymology: probably modification of Norwegian kataklastisk, from Gk. kataklastos broken down (from kataklan) + Norwegian isk ish 1. : of, relating to, or caused by cataclasis a pronounced cataclastic texture 2. :… … Useful english dictionary
cataclastic — adjective describing a type of metamorphic rock that has undergone shearing and granulation by high mechanical stress … Wiktionary
cataclàstic — ca|ta|clàs|tic Mot Pla Adjectiu variable … Diccionari Català-Català
cataclastic — cata·clas·tic … English syllables
cataclasis — cataclastic /kat euh klas tik/, adj. /kat euh klay sis, keuh tak leuh sis/, n. Petrol. a process of deformation or metamorphism in which the grains of a rock are fractured and rotated. [ < Gk katáklasis refraction, equiv. to katakla , s. of… … Universalium
Deformation mechanism — In structural geology, metallurgy and materials science, deformation mechanisms refer to the various mechanisms at the grain scale that are responsible for accommodating large plastic strains in rocks, metals and other materials. Contents 1… … Wikipedia
Mylonite — An amphibolitic mylonite showing a number of (rotated) porphyroclasts: a clear red garnet left in the picture while smaller white feldspar porphyroclasts can be found all over. Location: the tectonic contact between th … Wikipedia