- calisaya bark
calisaya bark [kal΄ə sā′ə]n.〚AmSp < ? Quechua〛the bark of the yellow cinchona tree (Cinchona calisaya), which yields quinine
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Calisaya bark — Cal i*sa ya bark A valuable kind of Peruvian bark obtained from the {Cinchona Calisaya}, and other closely related species. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
calisaya bark — [kal΄ə sā′ə] n. [AmSp < ? Quechua] the bark of the yellow cinchona tree (Cinchona calisaya), which yields quinine … English World dictionary
calisaya bark — |kalə|sīə noun Etymology: Spanish calisaya, perhaps from Calisaya, 17th century Indian who revealed the properties of quinine to the Spaniards : cinchona bark obtained from either of two cinchonas (Cinchona calisaya and C. ledgeriana) or from a… … Useful english dictionary
calisaya bark — cal·i·saya bark .kal ə .sī ə n cinchona bark obtained from either of two cinchonas (Cinchona calisaya and C. ledgeriana) or from a hybrid of either of these with other cinchonas called also yellow cinchona * * * cinchona (def. 2) … Medical dictionary
Cinchona Calisaya — Calisaya bark Cal i*sa ya bark A valuable kind of Peruvian bark obtained from the {Cinchona Calisaya}, and other closely related species. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
calisaya — /kal euh say yeuh/, n. the medicinal bark of the tree Cinchona calisaya. [1830 40; < NL, after Calisaya, name of the Bolivian Indian who told the whites about the medicinal values of cinchona bark] * * * … Universalium
calisaya — n. medicinal bark from the Chinchona Calisaya tree … English contemporary dictionary
calisaya — noun Peruvian shrub or small tree having large glossy leaves and cymes of fragrant yellow to green or red flowers; cultivated for its medicinal bark • Syn: ↑Cinchona officinalis, ↑Cinchona ledgeriana, ↑Cinchona calisaya • Hypernyms: ↑cinchona,… … Useful english dictionary
calisaya — /kæləˈseɪə/ (say kaluh sayuh) noun the bark of trees of the genus Cinchona, often used medicinally. {American Spanish, probably from Quechua} …
CINCHONA CALISAYA WEDD. - ХИННОЕ Д. НАСТОЯЩЕЕ — см. 885. Дерево. С. calisaya Wedd. X. д. настоящее in Ann. Sc. nat. 3 ser. 10 (1848) 6. S y n. C. c. vera Wedd.; C. weddelliana O. Ktze. (non Miq.). М е с т н. н а з в. Англ. yellowbark chinchona, calisaya bark; Латин. Амер. cascarilla calisaya.… … Справочник растений