
Visconti, Luchino. Duke of Modrone. 1906-1976.
Italian stage and film director considered a founder of the Italian neo-realist style, which focused on ordinary people and postwar social issues. His films include La Terra Trema (1948) and Death in Venice (1971).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Visconti, Luchino — • ВИСКО НТИ (Visconti) Лукино (наст. фам. Висконти ди Модроне, Visconti di Modrone) (2.11.1906 17.3.1976)    итал.режиссёр. Кинематографич. деятельность начал в 1936 во Франции как ассист. Ж. Ренуара в ф. Загородная прогулка .    В 1940… …   Кино: Энциклопедический словарь

  • Visconti, Luchino — orig. Don Luchino Visconti, count di Modrone born Nov. 2, 1906, Milan died March 17, 1976, Rome Italian film and theatre director. Born into the nobility, he became an assistant to Jean Renoir in 1935. He directed his first film, Ossessione… …   Universalium

  • Visconti, Luchino — (1906 1976)    Screenwriter and director of opera, theater, and film. Acknowledged as one of the foremost directors of the Italian cinema, Visconti was born into a rich and noble family that traced its ancestry to the rulers of Milan during the… …   Guide to cinema

  • Visconti, Luchino — (1906 1976)    Screenwriter and director of opera, theater, and film. Acknowledged as one of the foremost directors of the Italian cinema, Visconti was born into a rich and noble family that traced its ancestry to the rulers of Milan during the… …   Historical dictionary of Italian cinema

  • Visconti, Luchino — (1906–1976)    The scion of one of Italy’s oldest and most aristocratic families, Visconti entered the cinema relatively late and was nearly 30 when a chance social contact enabled him to work with the great French director Jean Renoir.… …   Historical Dictionary of modern Italy

  • Visconti, Luchino — ► (1906 76) Director cinematográfico italiano. Fue premiado en el Festival de Venecia de 1948 por La tierra tiembla, en 1957 por Noches blancas, en 1960 por Rocco y sus hermanos y en el de Cannes de 1973 por El Gatopardo. Ha dirigido también:… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Visconti, Luchino — pseud. di Visconti di Modrone, Luchino …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • Visconti — Visconti, Luchino ► Nombre de una célebre familia gibelina de Milán, que gobernó en esta ciudad desde el s. XIII al XV, fundada por el arzobispo Otón (1207 95), primer señor de Milán (1277 95); entre sus sucesores destacan Matteo (1250 1322),… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Visconti — (Louis Tullius Joachim) (1791 1853) architecte français: fontaines Molière (Paris), mausolée de Napoléon Ier aux Invalides. Visconti (Luchino) (1906 1976) cinéaste italien. Pionnier du néo réalisme (Ossessione, 1942), il réalisa des films de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Luchino Visconti — For the Milanese ruler, see Luchino Visconti (died 1349). Luchino Visconti Born Luchino Visconti di Modrone November 2, 1906(1906 11 02) Milan, Lo …   Wikipedia

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