
Und·set (o͝onʹsĕt'), Sigrid. 1882-1949.
Danish-born Norwegian writer whose novels, including the trilogy Kristin Lavransdatter (1920-1922), concern Catholicism and the struggles of women and are often set in medieval Scandinavia. She won the 1928 Nobel Prize for literature.

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  • Undset, Sigrid — born May 20, 1882, Kalundborg, Den. died June 10, 1949, Lillehammer, Nor. Norwegian novelist. Her father was an archaeologist, and her home life was steeped in legend, folklore, and Norwegian history. Her early novels deal with the position of… …   Universalium

  • Undset, Sigrid — (1882 1949)    A Norwegian novelist and short story writer, Undset was the third Norwegian writer to be awarded the Nobel Prize (after Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson and Knut Hamsun).    Her worldwide reputation rests primarily on her trilogy Kristin La… …   Historical Dictionary of Scandinavian Literature and Theater

  • Undset, Sigrid — ► (1882 1949) Escritora noruega. Fue una gran analista del alma femenina. Fue premio Nobel de Literatura en 1928. Autora de Kristin Lavransdatter (1920 22). * * * (20 may. 1882, Kalundborg, Dinamarca–10 jun. 1949, Lillehammer, Noruega). Novelista …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Undset — Sigrid Undset (* 20. Mai 1882 in Kalundborg, Dänemark; † 10. Juni 1949 in Lillehammer, Norwegen) war eine norwegische Romanautorin, Novellistin und Essayistin. Ihre Werke befassen sich mit dem Konflikt zwischen norwegischer Tradition, der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Undset — (Sigrid) (1882 1949) romancière norvégienne: Kristin Lavransdatter (3 vol., 1920 1922), le Buisson ardent (1930), la Femme fidèle (1936), etc. P. Nobel 1928 …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Sigrid Undset — Sigrid Undset, Fotografie von Aage Remfeldt, 1928 Sigrid Undset (* 20. Mai 1882 in Kalundborg, Dänemark; † 10. Juni 1949 in Lillehammer, Norwegen) war eine norwegische Romanautorin, Novellistin und Essayistin. Ihre Werke befassen sich mit dem… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • UNDSET (S.) — Comment peut on consacrer toute une vie à chanter la femme sans être féministe au sens historique, c’est à dire polémique, du terme? Comment résoudre, lorsqu’on est scandinave, l’accablant conflit entre rêve et réalité sans verser dans le… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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