- Black,Hugo La Fayette
Black (blăk), Hugo La Fayette. 1886-1971.
American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1937-1971). He was noted for his ardent support of civil rights.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Black, Hugo (La Fayette) — born Feb. 27, 1886, Clay county, Ala., U.S. died Sept. 25, 1971, Bethesda, Md. U.S. Supreme Court justice (1937–71). After practicing law in Alabama from 1906, he served in the U.S. Senate (1927–37), where he was a strong supporter of the New… … Universalium
Black, Hugo (La Fayette) — (27 feb. 1886, cond. de Clay, Ala., EE.UU.– 25 sep. 1971, Bethesda, Md.). Juez de la Corte Suprema (1937–71). Luego de ejercer como abogado en Alabama, a partir de 1906 se desempeñó en el Senado de EE.UU. (1927–37), donde fue firme partidario del … Enciclopedia Universal
Black, Hugo — ▪ American jurist in full Hugo La Fayette Black born Feb. 27, 1886, Harlan, Clay county, Ala., U.S. died Sept. 25, 1971, Bethesda, Md. lawyer, politician, and associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (1937–71). Black s… … Universalium
Black — Black, James W. Black, Josep * * * (as used in expressions) Black and Tan Black Sox, escándalo de los Black, Hugo (La Fayette) Black, Sir James (Whyte) black bass Shirley Temple Black … Enciclopedia Universal
Black — /blak/, n. 1. Hugo Lafayette, 1886 1971, U.S. political official: associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court 1937 71. 2. Joseph, 1728 99, Scottish physician and chemist. 3. Shirley Temple. See Temple, Shirley. * * * (as used in expressions)… … Universalium
Hugo — Onomástica ● Origen: Germánico. ● Significado: Inteligencia. ● Onomástica: 1 de Abril y 10 de Agosto. ● Personaje Principal: San Hugo de Grenoble fue obispo de esta ciudad francesa. Tuvo en su diócesis a san Bruno, lo mismo que a los primeros… … Enciclopedia Universal
Hugo — /hyooh goh/ or, often, /yooh /; Fr. /yuu goh /, n. 1. Victor (Marie, Viscount) /vik teuhr meuh ree /; Fr. /veek tawrdd mann rddee /, 1802 85, French poet, novelist, and dramatist. 2. a male given name. * * * (as used in expressions) Aalto Hugo… … Universalium
black — blackish, adj. blackishly, adv. blackishness, n. /blak/, adj., blacker, blackest, n., v., adv. adj. 1. lacking hue and brightness; absorbing light without reflecting any of the rays composing it. 2. characterized by absence of light; enveloped in … Universalium
Black — [blak] Hugo (La Fayette) 1886 1971; U.S. jurist: associate justice, Supreme Court (1937 71) … English World dictionary
el — (Del lat. ille, aquél.) ► artículo Indica el género masculino y el número singular de la palabra a la que acompaña. * * * el (del lat. «ille») art. Artículo masculino singular. ⇒ Apénd. II, artículo. ➢ La, los, las. ➢ Del. ⊚ Se emplea también… … Enciclopedia Universal