Tillich,Paul Johannes

Tillich,Paul Johannes
Til·lich (tĭlʹĭk, -ĭKH), Paul Johannes. 1886-1965.
German-born American theologian and philosopher whose works, including Systematic Theology (1951-1963), bind Christianity to an understanding of modern culture.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • TILLICH, PAUL JOHANNES° — (1886–1965), Protestant philosopher and theologian, born in Starzeddal (Silesia), the son of a Lutheran pastor. He received his education at the universities of Berlin, Tübingen, Halle, and Breslau. Often compared to Martin Buber because they… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Tillich, Paul Johannes — (1886–1965)    Theologian.    Tillich was the son of a Lutheran pastor and was born in Starzeddal, Germany. He was educated at the Universities of Berlin, Tübingen, Halle and Breslau and his doctorate was on the work of schelling. Subsequently he …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • Tillich, Paul (Johannes) — born , Aug. 20, 1886, Starzeddel, Brandenburg, Ger. died Oct. 22, 1965, Chicago, Ill., U.S. German born U.S. Protestant theologian. He studied at Berlin, Tübingen, and Halle and was a chaplain with the German army during World War I. He taught… …   Universalium

  • Tillich, Paul (Johannes) — (20 ago. 1886, Starzeddel, Brandeburgo, Alemania– 22 oct. 1965, Chicago, Ill., EE.UU.). Teólogo protestante estadounidense de origen alemán. Estudió en Berlín, Tubinga y Halle y fue capellán en el ejército alemán durante la primera guerra mundial …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Paul Johannes Tillich — Büste von Paul Tillich von James Rosati in dem Paul Tillich Park in New Harmony, Indiana, USA. Paul Johannes Tillich (* 20. August 1886 in Starzeddel, Landkreis Guben; † 22. Oktober 1965 in Chicago, USA) war ein …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Paul Johannes Tillich — noun United States theologian (born in Germany) (1886 1965) • Syn: ↑Tillich, ↑Paul Tillich • Instance Hypernyms: ↑theologian, ↑theologist, ↑theologizer, ↑theologiser …   Useful english dictionary

  • Paul Tillich — Region Western philosophy Born August 20, 1886 (1886 08 20) Starzedd …   Wikipedia

  • Tillich — Paul Tillich Buste de Johannes Tillich. Paul Johannes Tillich (20 août 1886 Starzeddel, Allemagne 22 octobre 1965 Chicago) est un écrivain et théologien protestant …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Paul Tillich — Buste de Johannes Tillich. Paul Johannes Tillich (20 août 1886 Starzeddel, Allemagne 22 octobre 1965 Chicago) est un écrivain et théologien protestant. Biographie …   Wikipédia en Français

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