
Tas·so (tăsʹō, täʹsō), Torquato. 1544-1595.
Italian poet who wrote the epic Jerusalem Delivered (1581), an account of the capture of the city during the First Crusade.

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  • Tasso, Torquato — Tasso, Torquato. Wer kennt nicht das lebensvolle Portrait dieses unglücklichen Dichters, in dessen Auge die Flamme der Begeisterung, umdüstert von Träumen des Wahnsinns zuckt? Dunkel flicht sich in das verworrene Haar das finstere Blatt des… …   Damen Conversations Lexikon

  • Tasso, Torquato — • Italian poet (1544 1595) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • TASSO, Torquato — (1544 1595) Torquato Tasso was the most accomplished man of letters in Italy during the late Renaissance. He composed the purest example of Renaissance pastoral drama, Aminta (1573), and the most influential narrative poem of his era, Gerusalemme …   Renaissance and Reformation 1500-1620: A Biographical Dictionary

  • Tasso, Torquato — born March 11, 1544, Sorrento, Kingdom of Naples died April 25, 1595, Rome Italian poet. The son of a poet and courtier, Tasso became a courtier of Duke Alfonso II d Este at Ferrara. In a period of intense poetic activity he produced the pastoral …   Universalium

  • Tasso, Torquato — ► (1544 95) Poeta italiano. Publicó a los diez años el poema caballeresco Rinaldo y a los treinta y siete dejó listo su famoso poema Jerusalén libertada, que logró inmediatamente fama universal. Igual éxito obtuvo con Aminta, fábula bucólica.… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Tasso, Torquato — (1544 1595)    Italian poet. He was born at Sor rento in the kingdom of Naples, the son of a court poet who later fol lowed his patron, the prince of Salerno, into exile. The son accompa nied his father as he sought new patrons at various… …   Historical Dictionary of Renaissance

  • Tasso, Torquato — (1544 1595)    Italian poet, writer, and theorist, active in Ferrara. Tasso was born in Sorrento and educated in law and philosophy at the universities of Padua and Bologna. Soon thereafter, he entered in the service of Cardinal Luigi d Este and… …   Dictionary of Renaissance art

  • TASSO, TORQUATO —    an illustrious Italian poet, son of preceding, born at Sorrento, near Naples; educated at a Jesuit school in Naples, he displayed unusual precocity, and subsequently studied law at the university of Padua, but already devoted to poetry, at 18… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Tasso — Tasso, Torquato …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Torquato Tasso — (* 11. März 1544 in Sorrent, nahe Neapel; † 25. April 1595 in Rom) war ein italienischer Dichter des 16. Jahrhunderts, der Zeit der Gegenreformation. Am bekanntesten wurde er durch sein Werk La Gerusalemme liberata (eig. Das befreit …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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