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sororicidal — adjective Of or pertaining to sororicide the killing of ones sister … Wiktionary
sororicide — sororicidal, adj. /seuh rawr euh suyd , ror /, n. 1. a person who kills his or her sister. 2. the act of killing one s own sister. [1650 60; < L sororicida one who kills his sister, cidium the act of killing one s sister, equiv. to soror (s. of… … Universalium
McCain Democrat — or simply McCainocrat is a term applied to Democrats who have endorsed or plan to vote for Senator John McCain in the 2008 United States Presidential Election. [ [ i a mccain democrat.html Am I a… … Wikipedia
sororicide — /səˈrɒrəsaɪd/ (say suh roruhsuyd), / ˈrɔ / (say raw ) noun 1. someone who kills his or her sister. 2. the act of killing one s sister. {Latin sorōricīda (def. 1), sorōricīdium (def. 2). See cide} –sororicidal, adjective …
sororicide — [sə rôr′ə sīd΄] n. 1. [LL sororicidium < L soror, SISTER + caedere, to strike, kill] the act of murdering one s own sister 2. [L sororicida] a person who does this sororicidal adj … English World dictionary