Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo — • Italian architect and sculptor (1598 1680) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo — ► (1598 1680) Pintor, escultor y arquitecto italiano. Fue el artista más emblemático de la Contrarreforma y del Barroco. Como arquitecto hizo el Baldaquino del altar mayor de la basílica de San Pedro del Vaticano. Construyó la Escala Regia (1663… … Enciclopedia Universal
BERNINI, GIOVANNI LORENZO — an Italian painter, sculptor, and architect, born at Naples; produced his Apollo and Daphne at eighteen, his masterpiece; was architect to the Pope, and designed the colonnade of St. Peter s; he died wealthy (1598 1680) … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Bernini, (Giovanni) Lorenzo — (1598–1680) Italian sculptor and architect … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini — Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini One of the most vigorous and fertile of Italian architects and sculptors, b. at Naples in 1598; d. at Rome in 1680. Bernini in his art is the most industrious … Catholic encyclopedia
Bernini Gian Lorenzo — Selbstportrait von Bernini Gian Lorenzo Bernini, auch: Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini (* 7. Dezember 1598 in Neapel; † 28. November 1680 in Rom) war einer der bedeutendsten italienischen Bildhauer und Architekten des Barock … Deutsch Wikipedia
Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini — Selbstportrait von Bernini Gian Lorenzo Bernini, auch: Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini (* 7. Dezember 1598 in Neapel; † 28. November 1680 in Rom) war einer der bedeutendsten italienischen Bildhauer und Architekten des Barock … Deutsch Wikipedia
Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini — Gian Lorenzo Bernini Peintres A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z par courant / par nationalité Le Bernin … Wikipédia en Français
Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini — noun Italian sculptor and architect of the baroque period in Italy; designed many churches and chapels and tombs and fountains (1598 1680) • Syn: ↑Bernini • Instance Hypernyms: ↑architect, ↑designer, ↑sculptor, ↑sculpturer, ↑carver, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Bernini — Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo … Enciclopedia Universal