
Schweit·zer (shwītʹsər, shvītʹ-), Albert. 1875-1965.
French philosopher, physician, and musician who founded (1913) and spent much of his life at a missionary hospital in present-day Gabon. Schweitzer was a noted organist and wrote many theological works. He won the 1952 Nobel Peace Prize.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Schweitzer, Albert — born Jan. 14, 1875, Kaysersberg, Upper Alsace, Ger. died Sept. 4, 1965, Lambaréné, Gabon Alsatian born German theologian, philosopher, organist, and mission doctor. In his early years he obtained a degree in philosophy (1899) and became an… …   Universalium

  • Schweitzer, Albert — (1875–1965)    Theologian and Missionary.    Schweitzer was born in Kaiserberg, Alsace, and he was educated at Strasbourg, Berlin and Paris.    As a theologian, he is chiefly remembered for his Von Reimarus zu Wrede, translated into English as… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • Schweitzer, Albert — (1875 1965)    theologian, philosopher, musician, musicologist, physician, missionary, Nobel laureate    Born in Kaysersberg, Alsace, Albert Schweitzer studied at the universities of Strasbourg, Paris, and Berlin. He was ordained a curate for the …   France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present

  • Schweitzer, Albert — (1887–1965) Born in Alsace; NT scholar who held that Jesus believed that he was the Messiah designate who was to herald the coming of the kingdom of God in the near future. Schweitzer held that both traditional and liberal interpretations of… …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • Schweitzer, Albert — ► (1875 1965) Teólogo protestante, médico y organista francés. En la República de Gabón fundó y dirigió un hospital para negros. Fue premio Nobel de la Paz en 1952, por su humanitaria labor. * * * (14 ene. 1875, Kaysersberg, Alta Alsacia,… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Schweitzer, Albert —  (1875–1965) German theologian, medical missionary, philosopher, and musician. Established Lambaréné mission, French Equatorial Africa; awarded Nobel Peace Prize (1952) …   Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors

  • SCHWEITZER, Albert — (1875 1965)    German musical genius, philosopher, theologian and medical doctor who established a MISSIONARY hospital in French Equatorial Africa where he labored most of his life. His major theological work The Quest of the Historical Jesus… …   Concise dictionary of Religion

  • Schweitzer — Schweitzer, Albert …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Albert Schweitzer — (* 14. Januar 1875 in Kaysersberg im Oberelsass bei Colmar; † 4. September 1965 in Lambaréné, Gabun) war ein evangelischer The …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Albert Schweitzer — Nacim …   Wikipedia Español

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