
Rü·gen (ro͞oʹgən, rüʹ-)
An island of northeast Germany in the Baltic Sea. Separated from the mainland by a narrow channel, it was seized by Denmark in 1168, passed to Pomerania in 1325 and to Sweden in 1648, and became part of Prussia in 1815.

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 largest island of Germany, in the Baltic Sea opposite Stralsund and separated from the German mainland by the Strelasund (Strela Sound) and the Bodden Strait. It is administered as part of Mecklenburg–West Pomerania Land (state). Its length from north to south is 32 miles (51 km), its maximum breadth 25 miles (40 km), and its area 358 square miles (926 square km). The coastline is irregular, as Rügen originally consisted of several separate islands that, in geologically recent times, have been joined by strips of land. The general name is applied locally only to the roughly triangular main trunk of the island, while the larger peninsulas of Jasmund and Wittow (north) and Mönchgut (southeast) are considered to be as distinct from Rügen as the various adjacent smaller islands, notably Ummanz and Hiddensee, which are also included under the name for statistical purposes. The western coast is generally low, while on the eastern shore dramatic chalk cliffs rise to 400 feet (120 metres) at the Stubbenkammer promontory. The highest point is the Piekberg (528 feet [161 metres]) in Jasmund.

      Rügen is rich in prehistoric artifacts. There are Upper Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) remains, as well as traces of the Neolithic (New Stone Age) Beaker folk and the Bronze Age Hügelgraber Culture (distinguished by burial tumuli). The Germanic Rugieri tribe was displaced about 500 BC by the Slavic Wends, whose fortress on the northern promontory of Arkona was destroyed by the Danish king Waldemar I when he conquered and Christianized the island in 1168. Rügen thereafter was ruled by native princes under Danish supremacy until 1218 and passed to Pomerania (Pomorze) in 1325, to Sweden in 1648, and to Prussia in 1815. The natural and historic treasures on Rügen are protected within a variety of parks and preserves that cover most of the island, notably the West Pomeranian Lagoon Area and Jasmund national parks.

      The fertile morainic soil supports sugar beets, oats, rye, and potatoes. Cattle and sheep are reared on the drier ground. The chief industry was once herring fishing, but it has declined in importance. Chalk pits in Jasmund are commercially exploited. Tourism is also important, at resorts such as Lohme, Binz, Sellin, Göhren, and Lauterbach-Putbus. The principal towns are Bergen (the administrative centre) and Sassnitz, the base of the deep-sea fishery and the terminus of the ferry to Trelleborg, Sweden. Rügen is connected to the mainland, over the Strelasund, by a 1.5-mile (2.4-km) road and rail embankment, the Rügendamm (opened 1936).

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