
Rom·mel (rŏmʹəl), Erwin. Known as “the Desert Fox.” 1891-1944.
German general active in France, Italy, and northern Africa during World War II. After his implication in the July Plot (1944) to assassinate Hitler, he committed suicide.

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  • Rommel, Erwin — ▪ German field marshal Introduction in full  Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel , byname  the Desert Fox , German  der Wüstenfuchs  born November 15, 1891, Heidenheim, Germany died October 14, 1944, Herrlingen, near Ulm  German field marshal who became… …   Universalium

  • Rommel, Erwin (Johannes Eugen) — born Nov. 15, 1891, Heidenheim an der Brentz, Württemberg, Ger. died Oct. 14, 1944, Herrlingen, near Ulm German army commander in World War II. A teacher at military academies, he wrote the acclaimed textbook Infantry Attacks (1937). He commanded …   Universalium

  • Rommel, Erwin (Johannes Eugen) — (15 nov. 1891, Heidenheim an der Brentz, Württemberg, Alemania–14 oct. 1944, Herrlingen, cerca de Ulm). Comandante del ejército alemán en la segunda guerra mundial. Profesor de academias militares, escribió el aclamado libro de texto Ataques de… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Rommel, Erwin — ► (1891 1944) Mariscal de campo alemán, uno de los jefes militares más brillantes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Se distinguió al frente de una división acorazada en la campaña de Francia (1940), y en 1941 le fue confiado el mando del Afrika Korps …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Rommel, Erwin —  (1891–1944) German field marshal, commander of the Afrika Korps in World War II …   Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors

  • Rommel — Rommel, Erwin …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Rommel — (Erwin) (1891 1944) maréchal allemand. Nazi, membre des S.A., il commanda l Afrikakorps (1941 1943) en Libye et en égypte, fut vaincu par Montgomery, puis battit en retraite par la Tunisie. Compromis dans le complot des généraux contre Hitler (20 …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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