pound foolish — ˈpound ˈfoolish, a. Foolish in dealing with large sums: antithetical to penny wise, q.v. So pound foolishness, pound folly: see penny wisdom … Useful english dictionary
pound-foolish — [pound′fo͞ol′ish] adj. not handling large sums of money wisely: see PENNY WISE … English World dictionary
pound-foolish — adjective unwise in dealing with large sums • Similar to: ↑wasteful * * * ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ adjective : imprudent in dealing with large sums or matters used chiefly in the phrase penny wise and pound foolish * * * pound foolˈish adjective Neglecting … Useful english dictionary
pound-foolish — /paʊnd ˈfulɪʃ/ (say pownd foohlish) adjective foolish in regard to large expenditures. {from the adage penny wise and pound foolish thrifty in small expenditures while wasteful in large ones} …
pound-foolish — adjective Etymology: from the phrase penny wise and pound foolish Date: 1607 imprudent in dealing with large sums or large matters … New Collegiate Dictionary
pound-foolish — adjective Being unwise in dealing with large amounts of money … Wiktionary
pound-foolish — incapable or unwise in dealing with large money matters or other large issues … English contemporary dictionary
penny wise and pound foolish — 1607 E. TOPSELL Four footed Beasts 609 If by couetousnesse or negligence, one withdraw from them their ordinary foode, he shall be penny wise, and pound foolish. 1712 J. ADDISON Spectator 7 Feb. I think a Woman who will give up herself to a Man… … Proverbs new dictionary
penny-wise and/but pound-foolish — careful about small amounts of money but not about large amounts used especially to describe something that is done to save a small amount of money now but that will cost a large amount of money in the future The administration s plans to cut fu … Useful english dictionary
penny wise, pound foolish — Someone who is penny wise, pound foolish can be very careful or mean with small amounts of money, yet wasteful and extravagant with large sums … The small dictionary of idiomes