PèreDavid's deer

PèreDavid's deer
Père Da·vid's deer (pârʹ dä-vēdzʹ, dāʹvĭdz) n.
A large reddish-brown Chinese deer (Elaphurus davidianus) surviving only in domesticated herds and having antlers whose tips point backward, a long donkeylike tail, and hooves that make a cracking sound in walking.
  [AfterPère ArmandDavid (1826-1900), French missionary and naturalist.]

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  • PèreDavid'sdeer — Père′ Da•vid′ s deer′ [[t]ˈpɛər dɑˈvidz, ˌpɛər ˈdeɪ vɪdz[/t]] n. zool. mam a reddish gray deer, Elaphurus davidianus, of China, extinct in the wild but sustained in parks and zoos • Etymology: 1895–1900; after Père Armand David (1826–1900),… …   From formal English to slang

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