- oldmaster
old master
1. A distinguished European artist of the period from about 1500 to the early 1700s, especially one of the great painters of this period.2. A work created by one of these artists.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Josef Scharl — (* 9. Dezember 1896 in München; † 6. Dezember 1954 in New York City) war ein deutscher Maler und Graphiker des Expressionismus. Josef Scharls Werk ist weniger von stilistischer als von motivischer Vielfalt geprägt. Neben zahlreicher… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Louis de Deyster — (1656 1711) was also known as Lodewyk Deyster. He was a Flemish artist and maker of musical instruments. Deyster was born in 1656 in Bruges. He was a scholar of John Maes, a respectable artist of that city. He spent the years from 1682 to 1688 in … Wikipedia
Yu Jim Yuen — (5 September 1905 ndash; 8 September 1997) (于占元; pinyin Yu Zhanyuan) was the master of the China Drama Academy , one of the main Peking Opera Schools in Hong Kong from which Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, Yuen Biao, Yuen Qiu, Yuen Wah, and Corey Yuen… … Wikipedia
Johann Jakob Haid — (1704 1767) was a German engraver who worked in Augsburg. [ [http://www.wilnitsky.com/scripts/redgallery1.dll/details?No=4338 Johann Jakob Haid] at wilnitsky.com] Haid came from a German family of artists and engravers and was known for large… … Wikipedia
Anton Peffenhauser — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El armero Anton Peffenhauser Augsburgo (1552 1603), fue uno de los cuatro o cinco profesionales más destacados de su arte en todo el siglo XVI. Permaneció en el centro de atención durante más de treinta años, de 1570 … Wikipedia Español