Nation,Carry Amelia Moore
- Nation,Carry Amelia Moore
Na·tion (nāʹshən), Carry Amelia Moore. 1846-1911.
American temperance crusader who conducted a series of raids on saloons, in which she used a hatchet to break liquor bottles and destroy furniture.
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Carry Amelia Moore Nation — noun United States prohibitionist who raided saloons and destroyed bottles of liquor with a hatchet (1846 1911) • Syn: ↑Nation, ↑Carry Nation • Instance Hypernyms: ↑dry, ↑prohibitionist … Useful english dictionary
Nation, Carry (Amelia) — orig. Carry Moore born Nov. 25, 1846, Garrard county, Ky., U.S. died June 9, 1911, Leavenworth, Kan. U.S. temperance advocate. Though she held a teaching certificate, her education was intermittent. In 1867 she married a young physician but soon… … Universalium
Nation, Carry (Amelia) — orig. Carry Moore (25 nov. 1846, cond. Garrard, Ky., EE.UU.–9 jun. 1911, Leavenworth, Kan). Opositora estadounidense a la ingesta de alcohol. Si bien tenía el título de maestra, su educación fue intermitente. En 1867 se casó con un joven médico,… … Enciclopedia Universal
Nation, Carry — ▪ American temperance leader in full Carry Amelia Nation , née Carry Amelia Moore born Nov. 25, 1846, Garrard county, Ky., U.S. died June 9, 1911, Leavenworth, Kan. American temperance (temperance movement) advocate famous for using a hatchet … Universalium
Carry Nation — noun United States prohibitionist who raided saloons and destroyed bottles of liquor with a hatchet (1846 1911) • Syn: ↑Nation, ↑Carry Amelia Moore Nation • Instance Hypernyms: ↑dry, ↑prohibitionist * * * Carry … Useful english dictionary
Nation — [nā′shən] Carry [kar′ē] (born Carry Amelia Moore) 1846 1911; U.S. temperance leader … English World dictionary
Nation — /nay sheuhn/, n. Carry or Carrie (Amelia Moore), 1846 1911, U.S. temperance leader. * * * I People whose common identity creates a psychological bond and a political community. Their political identity usually comprises such characteristics as a… … Universalium
Nation — biographical name Carry Amelia 1846 1911 née Moore American temperance agitator … New Collegiate Dictionary
Nation — Na•tion [[t]ˈneɪ ʃən[/t]] n. big Carry or Carrie (Amelia Moore), 1846–1911, U.S. temperance leader … From formal English to slang
Carrie Nation — For the fictional rock band, see The Carrie Nations (fictional 60s rock band) Carrie A. Nation (November 25,1846–June 9, 1911) was a member of the temperance movement which opposed alcohol in pre Prohibition America particularly noted for… … Wikipedia