- Classification and Examples of Some Musical Instruments
▪ TableIdiophonesStruckagainst each other cymbals, castanetswith a beater triangle, glockenspiel, xylophone,slit drumsShaken rattle, jinglesScraped scraperPlucked Jew's harp, music boxRubbed musical glassesMembranophonesStruck side drum, bass drum, timpaniRubbed friction drumBlown mirliton (or kazoo)ChordophonesZithersplucked harpsichordstruck hammered dulcimer, pianoLutesplucked lute, guitarbowed violin, viola da gambaLyresplucked Greek kithara, Ethiopian begannabowed Welsh crwthHarp Celtic small harp, orchestralchromatic harpAerophonesFree (air not confined)without keyboard bull-roarer, harmonicawith keyboard harmonium, melodeonFlutes (air blown recorder, fluteagainst an edge)Reedpipessingle reed clarinet, saxophonedouble reed shawm, crumhorn, oboe, bassoon,sarrusophoneLipped horn, cornet, trumpet, trombone, tuba,serpentElectrophonesMonophonic (producing theremin, trautonium, Ondes Martenota single line of melody)Polyphonic (producing many synthesizersharmony and simul-taneous melodic lines)
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Universalium. 2010.