Common occurrences of rock-forming garnets

Common occurrences of rock-forming garnets

Common occurrences of rock-forming garnets
almandine metamorphic rocks—especially mica schists, amphibolites, and granulites; granites, aplites, and granitic pegmatites
spessartine granitic pegmatites; silica-rich skarns; metamorphosed manganese-bearing rocks
grossular impure calcite and dolomite marbles, especially those in contact metamorphic zones; amphibolites; basic igneous rocks
andradite large masses associated with tactites, some of which constitute ore deposits, in calcareous rocks of contact metasomatic origin
pyrope ultramafic rocks such as pyroxenites and peridotites and serpentinites derived from them; eclogites (high-pressure metamorphic rocks)
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