Zuccaro, Taddeo

Zuccaro, Taddeo

▪ Italian painter
Zuccaro also spelled  Zuccari 
born Sept. 1, 1529, Sant'Angelo in Vado, Urbino
died Sept. 1/2, 1566, Rome

      Italian painter, leader (with his brother Federico Zuccaro) of the Roman Mannerist school of painting.

      Largely self-trained at Rome, Taddeo Zuccaro was influenced by the works of Perino del Vaga and Polidoro da Caravaggio. From the early 1550s he executed many decorative frescoes for facades and interiors of palaces and a few religious works.

      From 1559 until his death he was in charge of his greatest commission, the frescoes and stucco decorations of the Villa dei Farnese at Caprarola (Italy)—among the most splendidly ornamented rooms of the time.

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