

▪ king of Mercia
died 675

      king of the Mercians from 657, who made himself overlord of much of England south of the River Humber. He exercised control over Essex, London, Surrey, and the West Saxon lands, or Wessex, north of the Thames.

      Wulfhere was a younger son of King Penda and was kept in concealment for some time after his father's defeat and death in 654. In 657, however, the Mercians threw off the supremacy of Oswiu, king of Northumbria, and Wulfhere became their king. He took energetic measures to spread Christianity and was greatly helped by his bishop, Jaruman, and afterward by St. Chad. Outside Mercia he induced the East and the South Saxons to accept Christianity and is said to have founded one or two monasteries. He gained Lindsey from Northumbria in 657 and was successful against Wessex; he intervened against Essex and gained control of London and its sea link in the 660s. He extended his borders in all directions and was the founder of the greatness of Mercia. His position deteriorated, however, after a failed expedition against Northumbria in c. 674. His only son Cenred (or Coenred) became king in 704 in succession to his brother Aethelred. His only daughter was St. Werburh, abbess of Ely.

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