Vindex, Gaius Julius

Vindex, Gaius Julius

▪ Roman provincial governor
died AD 68, , Vesontio, Germania Superior [now Besançon, Fr.]

      governor of the Roman province of Lugdunensis (east-central and northern Gaul) who led a revolt in Gaul against the emperor Nero. His rebellion, begun in March 68, was followed by other revolts in Spain, Africa, and Egypt and set in motion a series of events that led to Nero's suicide the following June.

      Born to a royal family among one of the Gallic peoples of Aquitania, Vindex was a Roman citizen, senator, and possibly praetor before becoming governor. Coins minted during his rule confirm his allegiance to the traditional ideals of the Roman ruling class.

      According to the historian Dio Cassius, Vindex inveighed against Nero and swore to act in the interest of the Roman Senate and people and to foster a return to the Augustan model of empire. Some modern scholars, however, have regarded Vindex' rebellion as a move toward Gallic independence. In any event, discontent was rife in the empire and he won the support of Galba, a governor in Spain. Vindex committed suicide after vainly trying to resist the Roman armies of the Rhine under the command of Verginius Rufus.

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Universalium. 2010.

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