Verlaine, Paul

Verlaine, Paul

▪ French poet
born March 30, 1844, Metz, France
died January 8, 1896, Paris
 French lyric poet first associated with the Parnassians and later known as a leader of the Symbolists (Symbolist movement). With Stéphane Mallarmé and Charles Baudelaire he formed the so-called Decadents (Decadent).

      Verlaine was the only child of an army officer in comfortable circumstances. He was undoubtedly spoiled by his mother. At the Lycée Bonaparte (now Condorcet) in Paris, he showed both ability and indolence and at 14 sent his first extant poem (“La Mort”) to the “master” poet Victor Hugo (Hugo, Victor). Obtaining the baccalauréat in 1862, with distinction in translation from Latin, he became a clerk in an insurance company, then in the Paris city hall. All the while he was writing verse and frequenting literary cafés and drawing rooms, where he met the leading poets of the Parnassian group and other talented contemporaries, among them Mallarmé (Mallarmé, Stéphane), Villiers de L'Isle-Adam, and Anatole France (France, Anatole). His poems began to appear in their literary reviews; the first, “Monsieur Prudhomme,” in 1863. Three years later the first series of Le Parnasse contemporain, a collection of pieces by contemporary poets (hence the term Parnassian), contained eight contributions by Verlaine.

      The same year, his first volume of poetry appeared. Besides virtuoso imitations of Baudelaire and Leconte de Lisle, Poèmes saturniens included poignant expressions of love and melancholy supposedly centred on his cousin Élisa, who married another and died in 1867 (she had paid for this book to be published). In Fêtes galantes personal sentiment is masked by delicately clever evocations of scenes and characters from the Italian commedia dell'arte and from the sophisticated pastorals of 18th-century painters, such as Watteau and Nicolas Lancret, and perhaps also from the contemporary mood-evoking paintings of Adolphe Monticelli. In June 1869 Verlaine fell in love with Mathilde Mauté, aged 16, and they married in August 1870. In the delicious poems written during their engagement (La Bonne Chanson), he fervently sees her as his long hoped-for saviour from erring ways. When insurrectionists seized power and set up the Paris Commune, Verlaine served as press officer under their council. His fear of resultant reprisals from the Third Republic was one factor in his later bohemianism. Incompatibility in his marriage was soon aggravated by his infatuation for the younger poet Arthur Rimbaud (Rimbaud, Arthur), who came to stay with the Verlaines in September 1871.

      Verlaine abandoned his wife and infant son, Georges, in July 1872, to wander with Rimbaud in northern France and Belgium and write “impressionist” sketches for his next collection, Romances sans paroles (“Songs Without Words”). The pair reached London in September and found, besides exiled Communard friends, plenty of interest and amusement and also inspiration: Verlaine completed the Romances, whose opening pages, especially, attain a pure musicality rarely surpassed in French literature and embody some of his most advanced prosodic (prosody) experiments; the subjects are mostly landscape or regret or vituperation of his estranged wife. The collection was published in 1874 by his friend Edmond Lepelletier; the author himself was then serving a two-year sentence at Mons for wounding Rimbaud with a revolver during an emotional storm in Brussels on July 10, 1873.

      Contrition, prison abstinence, and pious reading (some in English, along with admiring study of Shakespeare and Dickens) seem to have produced a sincere return to Roman Catholicism in the summer of 1874, after his wife had obtained a separation. Leaving prison in January 1875, he tried a Trappist retreat, then hurried to Stuttgart to meet Rimbaud, who apparently repulsed him with violence. He took refuge in England and, for over a year, taught French and drawing at Stickney and Boston in Lincolnshire, then at Bournemouth, Hampshire, impressing all by his dignity and piety and gaining an appreciation of English authors as diverse as Tennyson, Swinburne, and the Anglican hymn writers. In 1877 he returned to France.

      From this period (1873–78) date most of the poems in Sagesse (“Wisdom”), which was published in October 1880 at the author's expense (as were his previous books). They include outstanding poetical expressions of simple Catholic Christianity as well as of his emotional odyssey. Literary recognition now began. In 1882 his famous “Art poétique” (probably composed in prison eight years earlier) was enthusiastically adopted by the young Symbolists. He later disavowed the Symbolists, however, chiefly because they went further than he in abandoning traditional forms: rhyme, for example, seemed to him an unavoidable necessity in French verse.

      In 1880 Verlaine made an unsuccessful essay at farming with his favourite pupil, Lucien Létinois, and the boy's parents. Lucien's death in April 1883, as well as that of the poet's mother (to whom he was tenderly attached) in January 1886, and the failure of all attempts at reconciliation with his wife broke down whatever will to “respectability” remained, and he relapsed into drink and debauchery. Now both famous and notorious, he was still writing in an attempt to earn a living but seldom with the old inspiration.

      Jadis et naguère (“Yesteryear and Yesterday”) consists mostly of pieces like “Art poétique,” written years before but not fitting into previous carefully grouped collections. Similarly, Parallèlement comprises bohemian and erotic pieces often contemporary with, and technically equal to, his “respectable” ones. Verlaine frankly acknowledged the parallel nature of both his makeup and his muse. In Amour new poems still show the old magic, notably passages of his lament for Lucien Létinois, no doubt intended to emulate Tennyson's In Memoriam, but lacking its depth. Prose works such as Les Poètes maudits, short biographical studies of six poets, among them Mallarmé and Rimbaud; Les Hommes d'aujourd'hui, brief biographies of contemporary writers, most of which appeared in 1886; Mes Hôpitaux, accounts of Verlaine's stays in hospitals; Mes Prisons, accounts of his incarcerations, including the story of his “conversion” in 1874; and Confessions, notes autobiographiques helped attract notice to ill-recognized contemporaries as well as to himself (he was instrumental in publishing Rimbaud's Illuminations in 1886 and making him famous). There is little of lasting value, however, in the rest of the verse and prose that Verlaine turned out in an unsuccessful effort to keep the wolf from a door shared usually with aging prostitutes such as Philomène Boudin and Eugénie Krantz, prominent among the muses of his decadence. During frequent spells in hospitals, doctors gave him devoted care and friendship. He was feted in London, Oxford, and Manchester by young sympathizers, among them the critic Arthur Symons (Symons, Arthur), who arranged a lecture tour in England in November 1893. Frank Harris and Cranmer Byng published articles and poems by Verlaine in The Fortnightly Review and The Senate. Relief pensions from admirers (1894) and the state (1895) were also recognition, however tardy or insufficient, of the esteem he attracted as a poet and a friend. He died in Eugénie Krantz's lodgings in January 1896.

      One of the most purely lyrical of French poets, Verlaine was an initiator of modern word-music and marks a transition between the Romantic poets and the Symbolists. His best poetry broke with the sonorous rhetoric of most of his predecessors and showed that the French language, everyday clichés included, could communicate new shades of human feeling by suggestion and tremulous vagueness that capture the reader by disarming his intellect; words could be used merely for their sound to make a subtler music, an incantatory spell more potent than their everyday meaning. Explicit intellectual or philosophical content is absent from his best work. His discovery of the intimate musicality of the French language was doubtless instinctive, but, during his most creative years, he was a conscious artist constantly seeking to develop his unique gift and “reform” his nation's poetic expression.

Vernon Philip Underwood

Additional Reading

Works and correspondence.
Oeuvres poétiques complètes, ed. by Y.-G. Le Dantec (1938); ed. by Jacques Borel (1968); Oeuvres complètes, ed. by Jacques Borel (1959–60); Oeuvres poétiques, ed. by Jacques Robichez (1969); Correspondance, badly edited and incomplete, 3 vol. (1922–29); numerous more or less representative anthologies.

Biography and criticism.
The best accounts of Verlaine's life and works are Verlaine by Antoine Adam, new ed. (1966; The Art of Paul Verlaine, 1963); (in English) Verlaine, by Joanna Richardson (1971). Personal but not always accurate accounts were given by the poet's friends and contemporaries: Edmond Lepelletier, Paul Verlaine (1907; Eng. trans. 1909); and Ernest Delahaye, Verlaine (1919). Octave Nadal, Paul Verlaine (1961); and Eleonore Zimmerman, Magies de Verlaine (1967), assess Verlaine's work personally. Claude Cuenot, Le Style de Paul Verlaine, 2 vol. (1963), analyzes his style. Louis Morice, Paul Verlaine, le drame religieux (1946), is a Catholic view. Georges Zayed, La Formation littéraire de Verlaine (1962), lists or suggests the poet's formative reading. Vernon P. Underwood, Verlaine et l'Angleterre (1956), describes his stays in England and possible effects on his work. Mathilde Verlaine gives her view of the ill-fated marriage in Mémoires de ma vie (1935).

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