Valerius Flaccus, Gaius

Valerius Flaccus, Gaius

▪ Roman poet
flourished 1st century AD

       epic poet, author of an Argonautica, an epic which, though indebted to other sources, is written with vivid characterizations and descriptions and style unmarred by the excesses of other Latin poetry of the Silver Age.

      Very little is known of Valerius Flaccus' life, but he may have died about AD 90, because Quintilian mourns his recent death in his Institutio oratoria, a work written before AD 96.

      The Argonautica, his only surviving work, is an epic poem in hexameter verse, dedicated to the Emperor Vespasian. It describes the famous voyage of the ship Argo in which Jason and other heroes sailed to Colchis to bring the Golden Fleece back to Thessaly. The poem breaks off in Book VIII with Medea begging Jason not to send her back to Colchis. The poet may have died at this point, or the end of Book VIII may have been lost in the course of the epic's transmission.

      Valerius clearly borrowed material from the Argonautica of the Alexandrian poet Apollonius Rhodius (fl. about 200 BC); and for his style and treatment he was deeply indebted to Virgil, though his Medea is a much gentler and less passionate figure than Dido. His verse technique owes much to Ovid. But he possessed creative gifts of his own; his work is written in simple and direct language and the narrative reveals strong dramatic talent. Valerius' work is also free of some of the vices of contemporary Latin poetry, such as display of erudition and exaggerated rhetoric.

      The Argonautica was unknown until the first four and a half books were discovered by the Italian Humanist Poggio at Saint-Gall in 1417. The first edition was published in 1474. Late 20th-century editions include those by Edward Courtney (1970) and Widu-Wolfgang Ehlers (1980).

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