Valdemar II

Valdemar II

▪ king of Denmark
byname  Valdemar the Victorious , Danish  Valdemar Sejr 
born 1170, Denmark
died March 28, 1241, Denmark
 king of Denmark (1202–41) who, between 1200 and 1219, extended the Danish Baltic empire from Schleswig in the west to include lands as far east as Estonia. In his later years he worked to unify Denmark's legal and administrative systems.

      The son and brother, respectively, of the Danish kings Valdemar I and Canute IV, Valdemar acted as the duke of Schleswig from 1188 and conquered Holstein (North Albingia) and Hamburg (1200–01). Succeeding to the throne in 1202, he initially supported the Welf candidate for the office of Holy Roman emperor, Otto IV, who in turn recognized Valdemar's sovereignty in Holstein. Valdemar later broke with Otto, defeated a Welf coalition (1214), and supported Otto's rival, the future emperor Frederick II, who yielded to Valdemar the Wendish (Slavic) lands and the German territory north of the Elbe and Elde rivers.

      Active from 1206 in crusades to Christianize the eastern Baltic region, Valdemar launched a campaign in Estonia in 1219, aided by the Knights of the Sword, Bishop Albert of Riga, and a Wendish navy. After his victory at Reval (Tallinn), Valdemar ruled over all of Estonia, and the country was divided into two bishoprics, Reval and Dorpat (Tartu). Conflicts with his allies led to a reapportionment of the Estonian dominions (1222), after which he retained only Reval and northern Estonia.

      Shortly after crowning his son Valdemar as joint king (1218) to perpetuate his dynasty's control over the vast Danish empire, Valdemar was surprised, captured, and imprisoned with his son by Count Heinrich of Schwerin (in northeast Germany) and held until 1225, his Danish and German vassals failing to come to his aid. After prolonged negotiations, he agreed to retain only Rügen and Estonia beyond the Baltic as a condition of release; in addition, he surrendered his sons and many hostages and paid a heavy ransom. In 1227 he launched a counteroffensive but was decisively defeated at Bornhöved, and his North German empire was finished. Danish sovereignty was also challenged in Estonia, but by an agreement with the Knights of the Sword (1238), Valdemar retained his possessions there.

      Despite his foreign reverses, Valdemar's rule in Denmark was strong. He carried through domestic reforms, completing the reorganization of the Danish army begun by Valdemar I and granting landed peasants exemption from taxes in return for knight service. He effectively controlled the church and the nobility, reformed the legal code, and changed the legislative system to enlarge monarchical power, as described in his revised Law of Jutland (1241). His division of Denmark into large feudal estates, each controlled by one of his sons, contributed to the destructive competition for power after his death.

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Universalium. 2010.

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