Tristán, Luis

Tristán, Luis

▪ Spanish painter
in full  Luis Tristán De Escamilla  
born c. 1586, , near Toledo, kingdom of Castile [Spain]
died Dec. 7, 1624, Toledo

      Spanish painter who was in the vanguard of early Baroque painting in Spain.

      A student of El Greco (Greco, El) from 1603 to 1607, Tristán came under the influence of another El Greco pupil, Orazio Borgianni. Tristán occasionally borrowed from the works of El Greco, as can be seen in his portrait of “Grand Inquisitor Cardinal Fernando Niño de Guevara” (1612). In his “Holy Family” (1613), however, Borgianni's influence is dominant. “The Last Supper” (1616) and “St. Louis of France Giving Alms” (1620) are distinguished for their early Baroque style.

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