Trembley, Abraham

Trembley, Abraham

▪ Swiss naturalist
born Sept. 3, 1710, Geneva, Switz.
died May 12, 1784, Geneva

      Swiss naturalist, best known for his studies of the freshwater hydra, mainly Chlorohydra viridissima. His extensive systematic experiments foreshadowed modern research on tissue regeneration and grafting.

      Trembley's experiments demonstrated the hydra's ability, when cut in two, to regenerate complete individuals from each part and also its ability, when two individuals are grafted together, to form from them a single individual. His demonstration that the hydra is an animal proved the existence of reproduction by budding in the animal kingdom and also proved that the process of budding is asexual. He reported his investigations on the hydra in the monograph on freshwater polyps for which he is best known, Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire d'un genre de polypes d'eau douce, à bras en forme de cornes (1744; “Memoirs for History of a Genus of Freshwater, Horn-shaped Polyps”). He was the first to witness multiplication of protozoans by division and cell division in algae. Trembley did his most important biological work while serving as a private tutor to distinguished families.

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