Torelli, Salinguerra

Torelli, Salinguerra

▪ Ghibelline ruler of Ferrara
born c. 1160
died c. 1244, , Venice [Italy]

      13th-century Italian ruler of Ferrara and brother-in-law and chief supporter of Ezzelino III da Romano, despot of Verona, a prominent leader of the Ghibelline (imperial) party.

      Torelli was born into a noble family of Bolognese origin whose members were rivals of the Este in Ferrara from the end of the 12th century. He carried on an indecisive struggle with Azzo VI of Este until the latter's death in 1212. When Azzo's son Aldobrandino died three years later, Torelli seized Ferrara and, with Ezzelino's support, successfully resisted the efforts of Azzo VII of Este to recover the city.

      Temporarily removed from power in Verona by a popular (democratic) government in 1227, Ezzelino engineered Torelli's election as podestà (chief magistrate) of that city in 1230, but the following year a Lombard League of northern Italian cities ousted both Ezzelino and Torelli. Forming an alliance with the Holy Roman emperor Frederick II, Ezzelino recovered Verona and helped Torelli regain Ferrara in 1236. In 1240, however, Ferrara surrendered to Guelf (papal) forces, and Torelli died in prison.

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