Strang, Gunnar Georg Emanuel

Strang, Gunnar Georg Emanuel

▪ Swedish politician
born Dec. 23, 1906, Jarfall, near Stockholm, Swed.
died March 6, 1992, Stockholm

      Swedish politician who was finance minister (1955–76) in a succession of Social Democratic (Swedish Social Democratic Party) cabinets and one of the architects of Sweden's national social-welfare system.

      Strang was a self-educated agricultural labourer and trade-union organizer who rose to become president of the Swedish Agricultural Workers' Union in 1938. After World War II he was elected to the Riksdag (parliament), joined the government as a consulting minister (1945–47), and later served as minister of supply (1947–48), agriculture (1948–51), and social affairs (1951–55).

      As minister of finance, Strang sought the redistribution of wealth through a highly progressive system of taxes on personal income, capital, and private employers. He supported the extensive welfare system that included generous health-care benefits, pensions, and unemployment coverage. He also stressed the importance of creating jobs and balancing the budget. In 1969 he introduced Sweden's first value-added tax, which took on even greater significance in the late 1980s when the government trimmed other forms of taxation. He left office after the Social Democrats lost the 1976 elections, but he remained in the Riksdag until 1985.

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