Spinello Aretino

Spinello Aretino

▪ Italian painter
byname of  Spinello Di Luca Spinelli  
born c. 1346, , Commune of Arezzo [Italy]
died March 14, 1410, Arezzo

      late Gothic Italian painter noteworthy for his vigorous narrative sense. His style anticipates the realistic painting of the early Renaissance of the 15th century. Early in his career he came under the influence of Orcagna and Nardo di Cione, whose style shows in his first major work, a fresco (fresco painting) cycle in San Francesco at Arezzo.

      A facile artist, Spinello soon gained a reputation beyond his native town. About 1387 he executed a fresco cycle in the small church at Antella, near Florence, and a cycle of scenes from the life of St. Benedict in the sacristy of San Miniato al Monte, Florence. A triptych (1391) commissioned for Sant' Andrea at Lucca, now in the Accademia, Florence, was painted in conjunction with Lorenzo di Niccolò. In the same year he began work on some frescoes in the Campo Santo (cemetery) at Pisa.

      Further commissions at Arezzo followed, and between 1404 and his death he seems to have divided his time between Arezzo and Siena, where he undertook work (lost) for the cathedral and painted (1407–10) a cycle of fresco scenes from the life of Pope Alexander III in the Palazzo Pubblico. These and the Pisa frescoes constitute his most important works.

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