

▪ Mexican Fascist movement
Spanish  Sinarquismo 

      (from Spanish sin, “without,” anarquía, “anarchy”), fascist movement in Mexico, based on the Unión Nacional Sinarquista, a political party founded in 1937 at León, Guanajuato state, in opposition to policies established after the Revolution of 1911, especially in opposition to the anticlerical laws. It originated at the instigation of a German professor of languages in Guanajuato, Hellmuth Oskar Schleiter, who was a member of the Nazi Party and a German intelligence agent during World War I. The movement opposed communism, liberalism, and the United States and supported the fascist dictators Francisco Franco, Benito Mussolini, and Adolf Hitler.

      The program of the Sinarquistas called for a return to Mexican traditions—Roman Catholicism, Spanish heritage, and a Christian social order centred on the home and village. The movement was also critical of anything judged to be tainted by communism. By 1941 Sinarquism claimed 1 million adherents, and during World War II both the Mexican and U.S. governments feared that its members would engage in fifth-column activities such as sabotage and espionage. But the Sinarquistas were subsequently weakened by internal power struggles and by a general improvement of the economy. In 1952 the Partido de Acción Nacional recruited Sinarquista agrarian reformers to broaden its popular appeal. In the 1950s and '60s the remaining Sinarquista political activists continued to press for the restoration of the former powers of the Roman Catholic church, but their influence was slight.

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Universalium. 2010.

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