Scillitan Martyrs

Scillitan Martyrs

▪ Christian martyrs
      12 North African Christians from Scilla (or Scillium) in Numidia who were tried in Carthage under the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius. The Acts of their martyrdom (martyr) is the earliest authentic document on Christianity in North Africa and represents the earliest specimen of Christian Latin. In brief legal form, the document (perhaps the official court transcript) names the seven men and five women, gives the date, and quotes the dialogue between the judge and those accused. Speratus, the Christians' principal spokesman, claimed that he and his companions had lived quiet and moral lives, paid their dues, and did no wrong to their neighbours. But for refusing to apostatize (deny their faith) or swear by the “genius” of the emperor, they were executed on July 17, 180, by order of the Roman proconsul Saturninus.

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Universalium. 2010.

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