Rutilius Claudius Namatianus
- Rutilius Claudius Namatianus
▪ Roman poet
flourished AD 417
Roman poet who was the author of an elegiac (
elegy) poem,
De reditu suo, describing a journey from Rome to his native Gaul in the autumn of AD 417. The poem is chiefly interesting for the light it throws on the ideology of the pagan landowning aristocracy of the rapidly disintegrating Western Roman Empire.
Rutilius was a member of one of the wealthy landowning families who almost monopolized high government office in the late empire. The poet himself was master of offices and later, in 414, prefect of Rome. He was clearly a pagan, preoccupied with an idealized picture of the strength and justice of Rome that had little to do with the hard realities of the 5th century AD.
The occasion of his journey was his return to his Gaulish estates, which had been raided by Franks, Burgundians, and Visigoths in 412–414. The poem survives in a fragmentary condition. The start of Book I is lost; its surviving section begins with a panegyric of Rome and continues for 644 lines. The first 68 lines of Book II survive, and a further fragment of 39 half-lines was first published in 1973. According to his story, Rutilius sailed up the Italian coast by short stages and reached Luna (on the Gulf of La Spezia). There the poem breaks off. The narrative is smooth and relaxed, full of personal observations and giving the impression of a diary. Much of the poem is taken up by digressions occasioned by places or events of the journey, and it is in these that the attitudes and values of the poet and his circle find their clearest expression.
Rutilius writes Latin of unusual purity for his age, and his elegant and correct elegiac couplets bear witness to his close familiarity with the Augustan elegiac poets, particularly Ovid. Rutilius is an accomplished and pleasing poet, and, had more of his work survived, he might have vied with his contemporary Claudian for the title of last of the Roman poets.
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