Róheim, Géza

Róheim, Géza

▪ American ethnologist
born 1891, Budapest, Austria-Hungary [Hungary]
died June 7, 1953, New York, N.Y., U.S.

      Hungarian-American psychoanalyst who was the first ethnologist to utilize a psychoanalytic approach to interpreting culture.

      While working on his Ph.D. in Germany, Róheim became acquainted with the ideas of Sigmund Freud, including his psychoanalytic approach to interpreting culture. Returning to Budapest, Róheim joined the department of ethnology at the Magyar Nemzeti Museum and entered psychoanalysis in 1915 with one of Freud's closest disciples, Sándor Ferenczi. By the early 1920s he was publishing his pioneer writings in psychoanalytic anthropology and about this time became professor of anthropology at the University of Budapest. His treatise “Nach dem Tode des Urvaters” (1923; “Toward the Death of the Primal Fathers”) brought Freudian theory into line with contemporary anthropological knowledge. Another notable work is Australian Totemism (1925).

      In 1928 Róheim set out to make psychoanalytic-anthropological studies of Australian Aborigines. Later he spent nine months at Sipupu in the D'Entrecasteaux Islands off New Guinea. Some of his results appeared in Animism, Magic, and the Divine King (1930).

      Róheim taught psychoanalysis and anthropology at Budapest Institute of Psychoanalysis from 1932 to 1938, when he went to the United States and joined the Worcester State Hospital, Massachusetts, as an analyst. From 1940 he was a lecturer at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute and engaged in private psychoanalytic practice. He examined folklore and interpreted myths in The Origin and Function of Culture (1943). Róheim theorized that the protracted dependence of the infant and child on the mother, resulting in emotional and social bonds, is the foundation of culture. He also held that individual and societal development may evolve from magical, symbolic thinking akin to that occurring in schizophrenia. His later works include Psychoanalysis and Anthropology (1950), The Gates of the Dream (1952), and Magic and Schizophrenia (1955).

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