

▪ Austrian law
      (German: “Forced-Labour Patent”), law governing compulsory labour, performed by peasants (peasant) for their lord in the Austrian domains. Enactments from earlier times existed throughout the Austrian domains, such as a Hungarian one that was issued as a penalty in 1514 following an abortive peasant revolt. This decreed that the peasants should work 52 days a year of haulage (involving draught animals) for the landowner. Elsewhere, conditions were less harsh; and, in such regions as the Tirol, Robot, or forced labour, hardly existed.

      During 1771–78, Empress Maria Theresa introduced a series of patents regulating and restricting peasant labour, though only in the German and Bohemian parts of the empire, for the Hungarian nobility strongly resisted. Maria Theresa's principle in issuing Robotpatents was an insistence that the peasant must not only be able to support himself and his family but be able to cover the general national expenditure in peace or war. The nobles objected, however, and even the peasants objected less to the current stipulations than to their abuse by landlords. Ultimately most of the Robotpatents merely confirmed existing laws, though abolishing illegalities, encroachments, and usurpations. Forced peasant labour was abolished by Emperor Joseph II in 1789 but restored by Emperor Leopold II. Not until 1848 was the system finally abandoned throughout the empire.

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