Real Cuerpo de Minería

Real Cuerpo de Minería

▪ Mexican mining guild
      (Spanish: “Royal Mining Company”), guild of mine owners in the Spanish colonies in the Americas. The guild was set up by royal decree in 1777 in the Viceroyalty of New Spain (Mexico) to reorganize and to provide capital for technological improvements in the mining industry. The guild drew up new mining ordinances that were approved by King Charles III in 1783 and were applied to mining activities in Guatemala, New Granada (Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador), Peru, and Chile.

      The Ordenanzas de Minería of 1783 remained the foundation of the mining codes of the majority of Spanish-American nations until the late 19th century. The codes covered the operational, fiscal, and juridical aspects of the mining industry. The central tribunal of the Cuerpo de Minería sat in Mexico City and consisted of a director general, an administrator general, and three deputies general, all of whom were chosen for specified terms by delegates from the reales de minas (mining districts). In each district sat a diputación territorial (provincial court of delegation) made up of delegates elected by the owners and operators of the mines.

      The central tribunal had executive responsibility for the entire Spanish colonial mining industry, was the board of directors of a bank set up to lend money to mine owners for improvements after inspection by competent engineers, and from 1793 heard appeals in mining cases from the provincial courts.

      Privileges granted to guild members included immunity from arrest for debt and preferment for themselves and their direct descendants in civil and ecclesiastical appointments. Mine owners were also provided with necessary materials at low cost. They could press into service in the mines any unemployed persons; the burden of this fell mainly on blacks, lower-class mestizos (people of mixed Spanish and Indian ancestry), and criminals.

      The cuerpo set up a school of mines to promote mining and metallurgical knowledge. The graduates of this school were well-trained but often found themselves opposed by owners prejudiced against theoretical learning. The school produced many who were to become leaders in independent Mexico. Because of the importance of mining in New Spain, the cuerpo became very influential and thus excited the animosity of those associated with the more traditional organs of government. Although the cuerpo was not ineffectual, the technological and operational improvements hoped for did not fully materialize, largely because of lack of cooperation among its members.

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Universalium. 2010.

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