Plisnier, Charles

Plisnier, Charles

▪ Belgian author
born December 13, 1896, Ghlin-les-Mons, Belgium
died July 17, 1952, Brussels

      Belgian novelist, short-story writer, poet, and essayist noted for his intense, analytical writing.

      Plisnier was active in leftist politics in his youth. Although trained as a lawyer, he wrote for several left-wing periodicals until he was ejected from the Communist Party he had helped to found. After disavowing communism, he became a Roman Catholic and turned to literature, establishing his reputation with family sagas notable for their sustained critique of bourgeois society. Mariages (1936; Nothing to Chance) deals with the limitations of social conventions; the five-volume Meurtres (1939–41; “Murders”) centres on an idealistic tragic hero, Noël Annequin, in his fight against hypocrisy; and the three-volume Mères (1946–49; “Mothers”) represents a search for order and redemption.

      Vivid and challenging if sometimes loose in style, his fiction conveys a deep moral and psychological sense in its studies of individual crisis. The novel L'Enfant aux stigmates (1931; “The Child With Stigmata”) recalls the fatalistic mood of Maurice Maeterlinck (Maeterlinck, Maurice). Plisnier won the Prix Goncourt for Faux passeports (1937; Memoirs of a Secret Revolutionary) and was the first non-French writer to do so. This set of five novellas about disillusioned militants uses one of his favourite techniques: a first-person witness as a screen between hero and reader. Plisnier's shorter works, such as Figures détruites (1932; “Destroyed Figures”), Beauté des laides (1951; “The Beauty of Ugly Women”), and Folies douces (1952; “Sheer Madnesses”), often surpasses his epic fiction in intensity.

      Plisnier's heartfelt poetry is at least the equal of his fiction. His early work shows his struggle to reconcile politics and religion, as in Prière aux mains coupées (1930; “Prayer With Severed Hands”), and includes a flirtation with Surrealism, in Fertilité du désert (1933; “Fertility of the Desert”). With Odes pour retrouver les hommes (1935; “Odes to Meet Again With Men”) Plisnier began a movement back to Christianity and conventional poetry that he continues in Sacré (1938; “Holy” or “Sacred”) and Ave Genitrix (1943; “Hail Mother”). His essays range in content from revolutionary mysticism to constitutional reform.

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