Ossetic language — Ossetian Spoken in Russia (North Ossetia) Georgia … Wikipedia
Ossetic — [ä set′ik] adj. of the Ossets or their language or culture; Ossetian n. the Iranian language spoken by the Ossets … English World dictionary
language — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) System of communication Nouns 1. language, tongue, lingo, vernacular, mother tongue, protolanguage; living or dead language; idiom, parlance, phraseology; wording; dialect, patois, cant, jargon, lingo,… … English dictionary for students
Ossetic — Os•set•ic [[t]ɒˈsɛt ɪk[/t]] n. 1) peo the Iranian language of the Ossetes, the sole modern descendant of the speech of the Scythians and the Sarmatians 2) peo of or pertaining to Ossetic • Etymology: 1920–25 … From formal English to slang
Language in the Russian Federation — While the Russian language is the dominant medium of communication in education, media, literature, public life, and the economy of the Russian Federation, the country is home to dozens of languages spoken nowhere else in the world. While only … Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation
language — Synonyms and related words: Abnaki, Afghan, Afghani, Afrikaans, Afro Asiatic, Ainu, Akan, Akkadian, Albanian, Aleut, Algonquian, Algonquin, Amharic, Anatolian, Anatolic, Andaman, Annamese, Anzanite, Apache, Arabic, Aramaic, Araucanian, Arawak,… … Moby Thesaurus
Ossetic — /ɒˈsɛtɪk/ (say o setik) adjective 1. of or relating to Ossetia, its people, or their language. –noun Also, Osetin. 2. an Indo Iranian language spoken in Ossetia, closely related to Avestan. Also, Ossetian /ɒˈsiʃən/ (say o seeshuhn) …
Ossetic — noun Date: 1841 the Iranian language of the Ossetes … New Collegiate Dictionary
Ossetic — /o set ik/, adj. 1. Ossetian. n. 2. the Indo European, Iranian language of the Ossets. [1920 25; OSSET + IC] * * * … Universalium
Yaghnobi language — language name=Yaghnobiyaγnobī zivók / яғнобӣ зивок states=Tajikistan region=originally from Yaghnob Valley, in 1970s relocated to Zafarobod, in 1990s some speakers returned back to Yaghnob speakers=12,500 familycolor=Indo European fam2=Indo… … Wikipedia