Neuhof, Theodor, Baron

Neuhof, Theodor, Baron

▪ German adventurer
Neuhof also spelled  Neuhoff  
born Aug. 24/25, 1694, Cologne
died Dec. 11, 1756, London

      German adventurer. An indefatigable intriguer in military, political, and financial affairs throughout Europe, he was for a time (1736–43) the nominal king of Corsica under the style of Theodore I.

      After serving in the French and Bavarian armies, Neuhof went to England and then to Spain to conduct negotiations on behalf of Sweden. Later he was involved in the speculations of the Scottish financier John Law. In Genoa he convinced some Corsican prisoners that he would free their island from Genoese tyranny if they made him king. With their help and that of merchants in Tunis, he landed on Corsica, where he was proclaimed king. At first he fought successfully against Genoa, but, after his defeat, a civil war broke out on Corsica, and he fled late in 1736. Twice, in 1738 and 1743, he returned to the island but failed to reestablish his authority. Imprisoned in London for debt, he secured his release by mortgaging his “kingdom.”

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