

      a religious movement among Orthodox (Orthodox Judaism) Jews of Lithuania during the 19th century that emphasized personal piety as a necessary complement to intellectual studies of the Torah and Talmud. Though the Hebrew word musar means “ethics,” the movement was not directed primarily toward exposition of ethical principles or study of personal virtues but rather toward molding the lives of rabbinic students along pietistic lines. Rabbi Israel Salanter, later Israel Lipkin, who initiated the movement as head of the yeshiva at Vilnius, thus drew a distinction between intellectual knowledge and personal behaviour.

      The establishment of “Musar houses,” where devout persons could join scholars in daily meditation and exercises of piety, helped to popularize the movement and guarantee its continued influence. The Musar literature that Salanter and others collected and reprinted was used to foster peace of mind, humility, tolerance, thoughtful consideration of others, self-examination, and purity of mind. Yeshivas throughout the world have since made Musar readings part of their standard curriculum.

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Universalium. 2010.

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