Murry, John Middleton

Murry, John Middleton

▪ British critic
born August 6, 1889, London, England
died March 13, 1957, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk

      English journalist and critic whose romantic and biographical approach to literature ran counter to the leading critical tendencies of his day. He wrote at least 40 books and a large body of journalistic works in which his pronounced—though changeable—views on social, political, and religious questions were constantly before the public.

      Murry was the husband of short-story writer Katherine Mansfield (Mansfield, Katherine) and a close associate of D.H. Lawrence (Lawrence, D.H.), both of whom influenced his development as a writer. During World War I the Murrys and Lawrences were neighbours in Cornwall, and something of the relationship between the two couples appears in Lawrence's Women in Love. Murry also appears, harshly lampooned, as the character Burlap in Aldous Huxley's Point Counter Point.

      Murry began his career as editor of Rhythm while at Brasenose College, Oxford. He was editor of Athenaeum (1919–21) and founding editor of Adelphi (1923–48), both literary magazines. Among his numerous critical works are studies of Mansfield (Katherine Mansfield and Other Literary Portraits, 1949) and Lawrence (Son of Woman, the Story of D.H. Lawrence, 1931), as well as several works on Keats. Murry's autobiography, Between Two Worlds (1935), is strikingly revealing about his own life. A large selection of his letters to Mansfield, edited by C.A. Hankin, was published in 1983. Murry's son, John Middleton Murry (1926–2002), was a noted novelist, writing science fiction under the name Richard Cowper; he also wrote general fiction as Colin Middleton Murry.

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  • John Middleton Murry, Jr. — John Middleton Murry Jr.; * 9. Mai 1926; † 31. März 2002) war ein britischer Science Fiction Autor. Er benutzte die Pseudonyme Richard Cowper und Colin Murry. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Biographie 2 Kritiken 3 Siehe auch …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • John Middleton Murry, Jr. — John Middleton Murry, Jr., né le 9 mai 1926 à Abbotsbury (Dorset, Grande Bretagne) et décédé le 29 avril 2002, est un écrivain britannique qui publie sous les pseudonymes de Colin Murry et Richard Cowper. Sommaire 1 Biographie …   Wikipédia en Français

  • MURRY (J. M.) — MURRY JOHN MIDDLETON (1889 1957) Né à Londres, étudiant à Oxford, journaliste (Westminster Gazette et Nation ), fondateur d’Adelphi , revue littéraire, John Middleton Murry épouse, en 1913, Katherine Mansfield. Après la mort de cette dernière… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Murry —   [ mʌrɪ], John Middleton, englischer Schriftsteller, * Peckham (heute zu London) 6. 8. 1889, ✝ Bury Saint Edmunds 13. 3. 1957; Journalist; lebte ab 1912 mit Katherine Mansfield zusammen (Ȋ 1918) und publizierte nach ihrem Tod 1923 ihre Werke. Er …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Murry — /ˈmʌri/ (say muree) noun John Middleton, 1889–1957, English writer and critic …  

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