Medici, Lorenzino de'

Medici, Lorenzino de'

▪ Italian writer and assassin
Lorenzino also spelled  Lorenzaccio  
born March 23, 1514, Florence
died Feb. 26, 1548, Venice

      assassin of Alessandro, grand duke of Tuscany. He was one of the more noted writers of the Medici family.

      He was the son of one Pierfrancesco of a younger, cadet branch of the Medici family. He was a writer of considerable elegance, the author of several plays, one of which, the Aridosio, was held to be among the best of his age, and he was a worshipper of Greco-Roman antiquity. Notwithstanding these tastes, when in Rome he knocked off the heads of some of the finest statues of the age of Adrian, an act by which Pope Clement VII was so incensed that he threatened to have him hanged. Thereupon Lorenzino fled to Florence, where he became the friend of Alessandro and his partner in the most licentious excesses. They went together to brothels and violated private dwellings and convents. They often showed themselves in public mounted on the same horse.

      On the evening of Jan. 5, 1537, Lorenzino led the Duke to his own lodging and left him there, promising shortly to return with the wife of Leonardo Ginori. Alessandro, worn out by the exertions of the day, fell asleep on the couch while awaiting Lorenzino's return. Before long the latter came, accompanied by one Scoronconcolo, who aided him in falling on the sleeper. Roused by their first thrusts, the Duke fought for his life and was only killed after a violent struggle. Disappointed at the Florentines' failure to rise against tyrannical government, Lorenzino fled first to Bologna, to await the result of the exiles' attack on Florence. When this was defeated, he went to Turkey, to France, and finally to Venice, where he was murdered in 1548.

      Lorenzino wrote an Apologia, in which he defended himself with great skill and eloquence, saying that he had been urged to the deed solely by love of liberty. For this reason alone he had followed the example of Brutus and played the part of friend and courtier. The tone of this Apologia is straightforward, sometimes even eloquent and lofty, but his subsequent career completely gave the lie to his vaunted nobility of purpose. By Alessandro's death the elder branch of the Medici became extinct, and thus the appearance of the younger line, which would provide the grand dukes of Tuscany, was heralded by a bloody crime.

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Universalium. 2010.

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