- Manchu language
also called Man languagethe most important of the Manchu-Tungus languages (a subfamily of the Altaic languages), formerly spoken by the Manchu people in Manchuria. In 1995, fewer than 70 Manchu, all of whom were over age 70 and living in Heilongjiang province, were believed to still speak Manchu. Several thousand people, however, speak Sibo (Pinyin: Xibe), a closely related language found in the Yili region of Xinjiang.Vowel harmony, in which vowels are divided into two or three classes, with the restriction that suffixes added must use vowels of the same class, is generally typical of the Altaic languages but is not as strictly observed in Manchu as in, for example, Mongol. The Manchu verb, like that of Chinese, distinguishes neither person nor number. Manchu has no relative pronouns and expresses relative clauses by means of participles and gerunds. A peculiarity of Manchu is the indication of masculine and feminine, or strong and weak, in a certain group of words by the alternation of the vowels a and e; thus, ama ‘father' becomes eme ‘mother.' Manchu has been a written language since the 17th century and uses a script borrowed from the Mongol alphabet.
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Universalium. 2010.