Maʿarrī, al-

Maʿarrī, al-

▪ Arab poet
in full  Abū al-ʿAlāʾ Aḥmad ibn ʿAbd Allāh al-Maʿarrī  
born December 973, Maʿarrat al-Nuʿmān, near Aleppo, Syria
died May 1057, Maʿarrat al-Nuʿmān

      great Arab poet, known for his virtuosity and for the originality and pessimism of his vision.

      Al-Maʿarrī was a descendant of the Tanūkh tribe. A childhood disease left him virtually blind. He studied at the Syrian cities of Aleppo, Antioch, and Tripoli and soon began his literary career, supported by a small private income. His early poems were collected in Saqṭ al-zand (“The Tinder Spark”), which gained great popularity; it includes a series of poems on armour.

      After about two years in Baghdad, al-Maʿarrī returned to northern Syria in 1010, partly because of his mother's ill health. In Baghdad he had been well received at first in prestigious literary salons; but when he refused to sell his panegyrics, he was unable to find a dependable patron. He renounced material wealth and retired to a secluded dwelling, living there on a restrictive diet. Al-Maʿarrī enjoyed respect and authority locally, and many students came to study with him. He also maintained an active correspondence.

      Al-Maʿarrī wrote a second, more original collection of poetry, Luzūm mā lam yalzam (“Unnecessary Necessity”), or Luzūmīyāt (“Necessities”), referring to the unnecessary complexity of the rhyme scheme. The skeptical humanism of these poems was also apparent in Risālat al-ghufrān (Eng. trans. by G. Brackenbury, Risalat ul Ghufran, a Divine Comedy, 1943), in which the poet visits paradise and meets his predecessors, heathen poets who have found forgiveness. These later works aroused some Muslim suspicions. Al-Fuṣūl wa al-ghāyāt (“Paragraphs and Periods”), a collection of homilies in rhymed prose, has even been called a parody of the Qurʾān. Although an advocate of social justice and action, al-Maʿarrī suggested that children should not be begotten, in order to spare future generations the pains of life. His writings are also marked by an obsession with philology.

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