Lobkowitz, Wenzel Eusebius, Fürst (prince) von

Lobkowitz, Wenzel Eusebius, Fürst (prince) von

▪ Austrian statesman
born Jan. 30, 1609
died April 22, 1677, Raudnitz, Bohemia [now in Czech Republic]

      statesman who served as chief minister of the Aulic Council (Reichshofrat) under the Habsburg emperor Leopold I. During the Thirty Years' War (1618–48) he fought first in Bohemia and Silesia under Albrecht von Wallenstein (Wallenstein, Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von, Herzog von Friedland, Herzog von Mecklenburg, Fürst Von Sagen) and later in the Rhineland and Westphalia. As president of the Bohemian Landtag (Diet) during 1643–49, he helped consolidate Habsburg rule there. Appointed vice president (1644) and subsequently president (1652) of the Council of War (Hofkriegsrat), he later became head of the Aulic Council (1669), despite his strained relations with the Emperor. After suppressing a rebellion in Hungary (1670–71), he began a reign of terror that imperilled the already fragile Hungarian allegiance to the crown. His resolutely pro-French diplomacy ultimately led to his downfall, especially after the revelation of certain offensive remarks about Leopold that he had privately passed to the French ambassador. In October 1674 he was dismissed in disgrace and banished to his castle at Raudnitz.

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