Lefebvre, François-Joseph, Duc De Dantzig

Lefebvre, François-Joseph, Duc De Dantzig

▪ French general
born Oct. 20, 1755, Rouffach, Fr.
died Sept. 14, 1820, Paris

      French general who was one of the 18 marshals of the empire appointed by Napoleon in May 1804.

      Lefebvre, the son of an Alsatian miller, worked for a time as a clerk before entering a military career in the French Guards in 1773. A sergeant at the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789, he was, between September 1792 and January 1793, promoted rapidly from captain to divisional general. Between 1793 and 1796 he commanded the vanguard of the Army of the Rhine, serving with distinction at the battles of Fleurus (June 1794), which repulsed the Austrians, and Duisburg (September 1795). In 1798 he served briefly as commander of the Army of the Sambre and Meuse and was appointed governor of Paris the following year. His position as governor proved extremely useful to Napoleon, who persuaded him to support the coup d'état of 18 Brumaire (Nov. 9, 1799), which resulted in Napoleon's being proclaimed first consul.

      Created a senator in 1800 and a marshal in 1804, Lefebvre carried the sword of Charlemagne at Napoleon's imperial coronation. He with his German accent and his illiterate wife, née Catherine Hubscher and nicknamed Madam Sans-Gêne (“Overfamiliar,” or “Cheeky”) for her uninhibited behaviour, made themselves fine figures at court, but he wanted active service. Lefebvre commanded the imperial infantry guard at Jena (Oct. 14, 1806) and captured the city of Danzig on April 27, 1807, an exploit that earned him the title Duke de Dantzig in 1808. He served in Spain in 1808 and the following year, as commander of Bavarian troops, fought at Eckmühl and Wagram. In 1812 he fought in Russia. Although he opposed the invasion of France by the Allied armies attempting to depose Napoleon in 1814, he voted for Napoleon's abdication in the Senate; for this action Louis XVIII made him a peer of France. But he rejoined Napoleon in his attempt during the Hundred Days to recapture his empire and was deprived of his title when the Bourbons were restored for the second time in July 1815.

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